
ArtByAi - Frequently Asked Questions


1) Does ArtByAi compete with artists?

We do not think so. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is exactly what it says it is "artificial". AI in no way compares with the creative genius of human artists. AI is a technical approach used to improve the computer's ability to create art over time, much like a child learns to walk by falling down. Instead of competing with artists, we think ArtByAI might complement their work such as rapidly enabling them to test different color pallets or generating backgrounds on which they can create art -- both of which might empower artists to spend more time on creative efforts and less time on routine items.

2) Will your work be available in different sizes and media?

Yes. Currently we only offer 8" x 8" prints mounted in acid free 12" x 12" white double mats, 12" x 12" prints mounted in acid free 16"x16" white double mats, and 16" x 16" to 48" x 48" Metal and Canvas prints. Custom sizes and shapes are available upon request.

3) Why do you number your images rather than giving them names?

Once in a while we do give a name to an image. However, individuals who view the art see different things. We do not want to bias anyone with names or spoil the fun of figuring out the story an image might contain.

4) How many colors can an image contain?

We really do not know. We are still exploring this topic.

If we tell the computer to select a color, it can select at random from over 25 million colors. Alternatively we can build a color palette for the computer to use. There are also number color effects that the computer can select.

5) What other end uses do you envision for your work?

Clearly the images could be applied to fabrics, pottery, wallpaper and the like. We will probably start to offer some of these as time permits.

One end use is especially interesting to us. Having worked with disadvantaged children over the years, we have found that many start school without knowing the names of colors and shapes or the difference between letters and numbers. We think the software can be reconstructed into a fun video game to help these children learn these basics.

6) How many duplicate images do you make?

Due to the random nature of the software, ArtByAi never produces the same image, even using the same initial conditions. We can make multiple prints of a given image. We intentionally will not produce more than 15 copies of any image regardless of size, media or end use. We do offer one of a kind images in sizes 16" x 16" and up.

7) What about custom colored one of a kind images?

Yes. For example, we can accommodate pallets of PANTONE® Colours to match room colors and decorations. Similarly, we can also provide a large number of shapes and sizes. The number of copies of these images would be decided by the customer.

8) How does ArtByAi use Artificial Intelligence to learn how to produce better "art"?

It is a complicated process. One source of feedback to ArtByAi are points that an image receives from the sales of a print, Facebook and Twitter Likes, etc. So, please follow us on Facebook (art-by-ai) and Twitter(@artbyai). Feel free to give us feedback on our images, both positive and negative, at

9) Do you plan to sell the ArtByAI software?

We hope to. However, we want to wait before releasing a product that currently requires continual updates and additional capabilities as we learn what ArtByAI can do. Please email us at if you are interested in helping with this process by serving as a beta testing site.

Please send us additional questions or comments at We love feedback, both positive and negative.


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